Future Found is a passive foundation system that offers the most economical and fastest way to pour foundations and floors. First introduced in the 1930’s by renowned American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, who designed some of the most original and innovative buildings in the USA, over the years, we’ve adapted and updated it, to create what we believe to be the most cost effective solution for laying foundations.

In addition to high insulation qualities – offering the lowest u-values – Future Found offers around 30% savings on both materials and labour costs. For example, using traditional concrete to lay foundations for a 2 –storey detached house will use around 50m3 of concrete costing around £5k. Using Future Found, to cover the same area, costs £1.8k – a saving of £3200.
Labour Costs are also shaved – by as much as 50% – thanks to the fact the foundations and floors are manufactured off site and installed in 2/3 days rather than the usual 2 weeks when using traditional methods.

Future Found is suitable for all ground conditions, including heavy clay soil, offering time saving on machine time and spoil removal. It is also eminently suitable for types of building material including brick, block and timber frame etc.
With its excellent insulation qualities, the product has been continually improved to eliminate wall floor cold bridges. One of the key features of the system is that it will not diminish over time and is unaffected by water.
At Build Lite, we specialise in Future Found which are designed & cut to suit the individual project design. Discover how Future Found can also drastically reduce your foundation costs today. To learn more, contact us today.