GRP Building Products

GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic) is a strong, lightweight alternative to traditional construction materials. Typically, keeping building costs low without sacrificing quality can be a big challenge, but that's where GRP comes in being a high-quality but affordable building material that provides both practicality and efficiency in construction.

Build-Lite manufactures and supplies GRP products tailored to meet your specific building requirements. Our GRP Products can be manufactured into any shape or form, allowing you to create unique structures for your building projects while still reducing construction cost.

Our GRP Products

GRP Cladding Panels

GRP Cladding

For a simple alternative to heavy brick, stone or slate slips, we offer GRP Cladding in a variety of finishes that can tailored to meet your specific requirements.

GRP Litestack Chimney

GRP Chimneys

Providing the perfect solution to traditional chimneys, our Lite-Stack GRP Chimneys are designed to provide a quick and hassle-free installation experience.

GRP Door Canopie

GRP Canopies

To add the finishing touch to your doorway, we provide GRP canopies in a range of styles, colours, and sizes to suit the unique requirements of your project.

The Benefits of Building Products Produced from GRP

GRP products offer a range of benefits that traditional material products don't, which will save time and money for your construction project:

• Lightweight

They are lightweight which makes them easy to handle, transport, and install. This will overall significantly reduce the overall construction time and labour costs associated with traditional building materials.

• Easy to Install

The flexibility and adaptability of GRP simplifies the installation process, unlike heavier materials such as steel or concrete, making the installation process much faster and easier.

• Low Maintenance

GRP does not require regular maintenance, unlike traditional materials such as wood and metal, as it resists corrosion, rot, and degradation. This will save you time and money in the long run.

• Durable

Building products made out of glass reinforced plastic are very durable and, therefore, can easily withstand extreme weather conditions while still maintaining their structural integrity and aesthetic appeal.